
Dear Patron

In view of the COVID lockdown we are offering Tele and Video consultation in line with the karnataka government issued circular HFW54 CGM 2020 dated 26/03/2020.
To book an appointment slot kindly call us at 9620638388 Or drop an email info@drdivyasharma.com
Let us all stay home and keep our loved ones and our country safe.

Stay indoors, stay safe


How to reduce excess melanin from skin?

Skin is our largest organ and glowing skin is a girl's best friend. There is a lot of buzz and noise about skin products that may not address the concerns. In this blog, we try to understand in depth about the skin pigment, melanin and ways to prevent pigmentation.

 Beauty hacks for summer

How difficult is it to adopt a skincare routine as per the seasonal changes? If you think your skin does not require a change in its daily routine every season, it's time to think again! Good dermatologists like Dr Divya Sharma practising in Bangalore explains that the requirement of the skin changes with the change in the season.

Five tips to avoid acne

Every adult is familiar with the vicious cycle of acne during their growing years. The relatability of actions like popping a zit in the morning, being on the verge of tears to find a pimple just before a party or a meeting is extremely high.

What is lichen planus?

The name itself is so complicated, that the complications it adds to your daily life makes it a must to understand about this infection and how to keep it at bay

Who is the best dermatologist in Bangalore?

Did you search for the top skin specialist that's near you? If you're looking for a skin specialist in Bangalore, it's important to know what to look for and find the one that meets your needs. Here are five things to keep in mind when choosing a skin specialist:

Let's Initiate A Partnership For Your Health.