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Spectra Gold Toning

SPECTRA Gold Toning

SPECTRA Gold Toning:

When acne subsides naturally or after any type of treatment, your skin can remain reddish, which can persist for a certain period of time. When treated with the Gold Toning laser beam, the laser energy is absorbed by hemoglobin in the blood which is responsible for causing the appearance of redness. 

Gold Toning plays a significant role in reducing the appearance of the abnormal microvasculature, allowing the skin color to return back to normal. With Gold toning you can expect to improve: 

  • Post-acne Redness

  • Inflammatory Acne

  • Facial Flushing

  • Post-laser Flushing

  • Melasma (in combination with Laser Toning)


How it Works:

  1. Inflammatory acne is in the active phase, and post acne erythema can persist, causing the skin to appear flushed, even after the appearance acne goes away.

  2. Visible yellow laser energy is delivered to the inflammatory acne and post-acne erythema area, and is absorbed by hemoglobin in the dilated microvasculature, the appearance of the vasculature is reduced in size over a period of treatments.

  3. The inflammatory acne subsides and the areas of post-acne erythema lighten back to the color of the surrounding normal skin.

Frequently asked questions regarding the Procedure:

  1. How many treatments will I need?
    The number of sessions may depend on the severity of the condition as diagnosed by your dermatologist. Typically, this treatment is performed on a weekly or bi-weekly basis and lasts less than five sessions unless absolutely severe.

  2. How soon will post-acne redness improve?
    Post acne redness will lighten two to three times faster, than if left alone, however it is entirely dependent on the severity of the condition and on the synergic effect of combination treatments.

  3. Is Spectra Gold Toning more effective than Acne Drugs?
    Your dermatologist will recommend the best course of treatment for your acne, Typically, drugs for acne have side effects such as depression, joint pain and dry skin. Gold Toning treatment doesn’t affect the body systemically, so it is a good alternative for those who cannot tolerate the drugs.

  4. Do I still need other combination treatments?
    It will depend on your condition, your physician may combine any type of treatment for better clinical effects.
    For further enquiries on Gold Toning treatments contact your dermatologist. If you reside in the whitefield area, visit Dr. Divya’s Skin and Hair solutions to receive the right treatment for a discerning skin or hair condition.

Book An Appointment
*Consultation By Token Only

Monday - Saturday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Sunday: Closed


The number of sessions may depend on the severity of the condition as diagnosed by your dermatologist. Typically, this treatment is performed on a weekly or bi-weekly basis and lasts less than five sessions unless absolutely severe.

Your dermatologist will recommend the best course of treatment for your acne, Typically, drugs for acne have side effects such as depression, joint pain and dry skin. Gold Toning treatment doesn’t affect the body systemically, so it is a good alternative for those who cannot tolerate the drugs.

Post acne redness will lighten two to three times faster, than if left alone, however it is entirely dependent on the severity of the condition and on the synergic effect of combination treatments.

It will depend on your condition, your physician may combine any type of treatment for better clinical effects.
For further enquiries on Gold Toning treatments contact your dermatologist. If you reside in the whitefield area, visit Dr. Divya’s Skin and Hair solutions to receive the right treatment for a discerning skin or hair condition.

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