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Fractional sublative rejuvenation

Fractional sublative rejuvenation

What is Fractional Sublative Rejuvenation?
Fractional Sublative Rejuvenation (FSR) is used to treat wrinkles, scars, large pores, and better skin texture. It uses a fractionated bi-polar radio frequency to penetrate through the skin, sending more energy beneath the surface of the skin to maximize collagen production, all, while keeping the top layer of the skin intact. This is an important factor in why it is safe for all skin types, and requires less downtime than other treatment methods for the skin to heal.

Each pulse delivers the radio frequency energy via a grid of matrix spots, inducing a skin injury, which is maximized in these tiny, targeted areas. Fibroblasts activated within the “zones” signal collagen to regenerate and remodel, yielding improved skin tone and texture overall. Meanwhile, the surrounding “untreated” tissue then helps to support and accelerate the healing process in the skin.

Three to five series of treatments are usually needed for optimal results. 

What are the benefits of this procedure?

  • FSR is clinically proven to treat fine lines and wrinkles, acne scarring, stretch marks, and textural irregularities caused by excessive sun exposure.

  • It requires only around 48 h of resting; patients can usually return to regular activities following treatment.

  • It is considered mild and natural, unlike other non-aggressive cosmetic treatments such as Botox, fillers, or chemical peels.

  • It works by stimulating cell regrowth, and therefore, the results obtained are expected to last longer.

  • Patients of all skin types can use sublative rejuvenation as an alternative to laser treatments for skin rejuvenation and acne scarring.

  • Since the treatment uses radiofrequency instead of light, the chances of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation are greatly reduced.

  • A full-face treatment session takes less than 30 min.

  • On average, most results appear over 3–6 months, but some patients notice results immediately after treatment.

Who cannot opt for this procedure?

  1. Pregnant females or those using Accutane in the last 6 months
  2. Patients with pacemakers, internal defibrillators, or metal implants in the area of concern
  3. Patients with diabetes, autoimmune disease, history of cold sores, or have had injectable fillers in the area to be treated

What are the associated risks and side effects?
The procedure is slightly uncomfortable, although this is minimized by a topical anesthetic (applied to the skin prior to the treatment for 30 min). Redness and swelling are expected side effects that lasts from hours to days, and occasionally even up to a week or beyond (very unusual). Any resurfacing procedure can result in a scar or infection, although this is extremely rare. Darkening or lightening of the skin is theoretically possible but  with the correct priming and pre procedure care, risk is minimised..

Prior to treatment, your doctor will discuss all potential risks and side effects with you.

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*Consultation By Token Only

Monday - Saturday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Sunday: Closed


Skin resurfacing has been done using traditional methods like chemical peels, microdermabrasion and Lasers. An intrinsic disadvantage of using lasers has been the epidermal side effects like pigmentation, more downtime and scarring. As we need to give higher energy for deeper dermal heating which increases the risk of epidermal side effects. FSR is a unique technology using fractional radiofrequency in a non-ablative fashion in order to stimulate skin repair.
It uses a unique hand piece containing 110 tiny microelectrodes which cause micro ablation of epidermis (minimal trauma to superficial layers) and 100% volumetric heating of the entire dermis.

Generally, a treatment session using FSR takes somewhere between 15 to 45 minutes depending on the size of the area(s) to be treated. It is not a painful procedure, so no numbing cream or pain killers are required. However, during the treatment, patients experience a mild tingling sensation and heat. Post-procedure there will be no discomfort just a slight burning sensation (like a sunburn) which will subside within a few hours or a day. Within 4-5 days microcrusting will take place and fresh rejuvenated skin will be revealed.

We perform FSR treatment at Dr. Divya’s Skin and Hair Solutions clinic to give you a newer, younger looking skin.

The biggest advantage of FSR is its safety profile in all skin types especially darker skin types. FSR helps in improving open pores, fine wrinkles, pigmentation and overall dull skin. Acne scars can be significantly improved along with sagging skin, neck wrinkles and prematurely aged hands.

Depending on the severity of the scars, wrinkles or textural changes, 3 to 6 sessions might be required. The regular interval between sessions is monthly to bimonthly. Optimum results are seen within 12 weeks following the treatment. However, most patient can observe significant visible improvement even at 7 to 10 days after the treatment.

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