
Dear Patron

In view of the COVID lockdown we are offering Tele and Video consultation in line with the karnataka government issued circular HFW54 CGM 2020 dated 26/03/2020.
To book an appointment slot kindly call us at 9620638388 Or drop an email info@drdivyasharma.com
Let us all stay home and keep our loved ones and our country safe.

Stay indoors, stay safe


What are some skin and hair care tips to follow while exercising?

We all know that exercise is good for our overall health, but did you know that it can also be beneficial for our skin and hair care? That's right - working up a sweat can help to improve our complexion and give our locks a healthy boost.

Who is a dermatologist? | Skin doctor near me | Dr. Divya Sharma

kin and Hair is a barometer of our inner health. Dermatologists or skin specialist near me are the right people to consult for skin and hair related issues. Dermatology is a branch of medicine that deals with the skin, nails, hair and its diseases.

How to make sunburns go away faster? | Skin Doctor Near Me | Dr. Divya

We imagine you are probably out there getting gorgeously tanned with a drink in your hand! But we also sincerely hope you are well armed with a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF higher than 30 because summer sun comes with conditions applied! That’s right.

How to prep your skin for a summer vacation? | Skin specialist Near Me

Skincare routines always go out the window when you’re lounging by the pool or enjoying the salty air, but let me tell you: there is some serious stress placed on your skin when it’s in scorching heat for more than a day, under a blazing sun, and with tons of salty ocean water streaming over it.

Hair growth treatment in Bangalore

Hair Loss is a distressing issue. Many times patients seek treatments which help in hair restoration. Most of the topical treatments are available in the market for hair fall reduction and increasing the growth of hair.

Let's Initiate A Partnership For Your Health.