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How to prevent breakouts?

Five tips to avoid acne
Posted date on Mar 09, 2022

How to prevent breakouts?

Every adult is familiar with the vicious cycle of acne during their growing years. The relatability of actions like popping a zit in the morning, being on the verge of tears to find a pimple just before a party or a meeting is extremely high. Wearing oodles of makeup to hide it or trying quick fixes at home with numerous personal care products or DIY remedies or finally resorting to praying furiously to God to help you this day and you will be nice for the rest of your life time. Been there and done that? All of us!

We have handled stress in adulthood but the stress of acne breakout and waiting for anti-acne products to work is another level. Have you realised slowly that stress adds to more pimple breakouts, thereby more acne and more acne marks? If yes, you must have also come to the conclusion pimples can appear anywhere and whenever you least expect them. While you can't completely stop acne breakouts you can effectively reduce them by keeping your skin healthy. In this blog Dr Divya Sharma, top dermatologist in AECS layout, Whitefield, Bangalore provides a few tips to help you keep acne breakouts at. 

Let us understand what causes acne breakouts.

Acne breakouts are caused by a bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes, yes very appropriately named. This bacteria causes inflammation and turns the sebum (the natural oil produced by our skin) into fatty acids. 

Tips to keep acne at bay

  1. Wash your face: Dr Divya Sharma, skin specialist in Bangalore suggests washing your face with a mild cleanser to remove excess oil and dirt. Use a hydrating foaming facial cleanser to ensure not to strip off the natural oil from your skin and be kind to your skin by not using sulphate and paraben laden products.

    Mild cleanser paraben free for skincare in summer

  1. Use a moisturiser: A hydrated skin is important. It ensures the skin does not produce sebum to balance the dryness. Good dermatologists suggest using a light gel based moisturiser in summers which is non-fragrant and non-comedogenic to ensure a well moisturised skin. 

  1.  Use OTC products: Over the counter anti- acne products ensure quick remedy, however it is far from the truth and may not suit all skin types. Skin specialists in Bangalore like Dr Divya Sharma advise people to consult a dermatologist before opting for OTC products. Acne breakouts often have a deep rooted cause and cannot be simply cured by OTC products. Thus, a thorough check-up with a dermatologist can help determine the problem and medications or treatment suggested on the basis of it.

Which sunscreen is good for acne?

  1. Wear sunscreen: Don't forget to walk out in the sun without wearing sunscreen and avoid overexposure of the skin without one. Heat dehydrates the skin making the skin produce more sebum which ultimately blocks pores. Without sunscreen your skin is at a risk of developing skin cancer, pigmentation, tanning, premature ageing and wrinkles. Therefore, a good sunscreen with a high SPF can help in the long run to protect your skin. An SPF of 30% in a sunscreen is good to be used and offers sun protection upto 97% and must be included in your daily regime of skincare.

Is serum helpful to prevent acne?

  1. Use a serum: A serum is designed to regulate sebum and oil production as it reduces the growth of acne by clearing the pores and the dead skin. Try inculcating a serum with salicylic acid as it reduces the lesions by around 70% clearing blemishes, gently exfoliating the skin from deep within to make it smooth and clear.

For acne treatments and consultations, contact Dr Divya Sharma.

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