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All about the dark skin on your neck

What is the treatment for dark skin on neck?
Posted date on Jan 23, 2022

All about the dark skin on your neck

Dark skin can visibly be uncomfortable especially if the other parts of your body are lighter and glowing. It can be troublesome if the dark colour is just below your face, on the neck, thus the comparison in the skin tone can be astonishing. Resorting to the old age ubtans like turmeric and cream, honey or Tik tok generated ideas of using baking powder will yield no concrete result. Dark skin on the neck is a sign of a serious skin problem that requires immediate attention from the dermatologist. A top skin specialist after a thorough check up can ascertain the root cause of your problem and diagnose it accordingly. Various dark skin treatments are available which can be advised  based on the diagnosis.

Let us understand what causes the skin to be dark around the neck.

Can exposure to sun cause dark skin on neck?The skin on the neck is generally exposed to the sun and is also prone to darkening due to the change in hormones in the body. Darkening of the skin around the neck is often accompanied by change in  texture. The skin around the neck may feel thicker or softer depending on the condition of the person.

Medical conditions that induces this condition

  1. Acanthosis Nigricans - Obese people or those suffering from diabetes are at higher risk at developing acanthosis nigricans - a condition in which the skin turns dark and velvety around the neck. This condition not only affects the neck but may also cause darkening of underarm pits and groin area for some people.

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  1. Dermatitis Neglecta - The name explains itself. This is caused by poor hygienic habits that causes accumulation of excessive dead cells and dirt around the neck which cannot be cleared by the normal soap and water and requires a skin specialist's help.

  1. Dyskeratosis congenita - This condition causes hyperpigmentation around the neck region, giving it a dirty appearance. This condition may also affect the other parts of the body with white patches and sparse eyelashes.

  1. Erythema dyschromicum perstans - This is not an underlying medical condition. It may cause the skin to turn ashy black and blue in colour. Patches mag appear on neck arms and also parts of the torso.

  1. High blood insulin levels - High insulin levels cause hyperpigmentation on the neck. This occurs more commonly in women who suffer from the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

    What is the treatment for dark neck skin in obese people?

  1. Lichen planus pigmentosus (LPP) - LPP is an inflammatory condition with symptoms of grey-brown to black and non-itchy patches on the face and neck.

  1. Tinea versicolor - Caused by the fungus Mallassezia furfur, it is a skin infection that happens due to the presence of naturally occurring yeast on our body. Too much of it can cause the skin to turn dark especially when exposed to the sun.

  2. Allergic contact dermatitis to Hair colors and dyes - It may also present with dark brown to blue patches.

Diagnosis and Treatment

A good dermatologist will take note of a person's entire medical history in detail with the lifestyle habits also being taken into account, post which a treatment can be suggested for the dark neck problem.

Fungal infections that cause dark appearance of the skin on the neck can be treated through ointments and antifungal oral medicines. The doctor may also ask PCOS patients and those affected by acanthosis nigricans to lose weight and consider bringing a change in their habits. 

Can laser skin lightening cure dark neck problems?

Treatment for hyperpigmentation includes laser skin lightening treatment and chemical peels which the dermatologist will recommend.

Do you want to get rid of your dark neck problems? Consult Dr Divya Sharma for help today. Book an appointment now!

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