
Dear Patron

In view of the COVID lockdown we are offering Tele and Video consultation in line with the karnataka government issued circular HFW54 CGM 2020 dated 26/03/2020.
To book an appointment slot kindly call us at 9620638388 Or drop an email info@drdivyasharma.com
Let us all stay home and keep our loved ones and our country safe.

Stay indoors, stay safe



With the pandemic restraining us from freely going outside and doctors often operating in limited capacity there has been a sudden surge in the number of online consultation cases for almost all the medical practises. But what is worth noting is that in the past few years, there was already a gradual rise in acceptance of a virtual consultation among the urban population.

Skin Cleanser

Cleaning of the skin is essentially a routine for most of us. But it is equally challenging to know which cleanser suits our skin. A lot of daily face washes and cleansers are available and make it difficult to decide which one is the best suited for our skin type. There is no best cleanser for all as yet.

The Right Skincare Routine

Waiting for your skincare routine to do its magic can be as daunting as picking the right skincare products and setting the right regime for yourself. And while you wait for the tall claims of the skincare brands to come true, breakouts or skin irritation can surely be the worst nightmare.

Impact of cell phone blue light on skin

For many long hours of our work day we are constantly switching from one device to another. Especially now that we are in lockdown, we tend to spend more time on various devices through the day. We often talk about the impact this can have on our eyes, back and posture, but what about your skin?

Period Skincare Tips

Women know the drill, periods spring up on us every month, followed by cravings, cramps, mood swings and much more. Every month women undergo a number of changes during their menstrual cycle. These changes that take place are all related to hormones. And one of the side effects of these hormonal changes is the toll that they take on the skin.

Let's Initiate A Partnership For Your Health.