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Tips to get your skin festive ready

How to get a glowing skin?
Posted date on Oct 19, 2021

Tips to get your skin festive ready

New clothes? Check. 
Makeup? Check. 
Accessories? Check. 
New Footwear? Check. 
Is that not checked on your list? 

Not looking after your skin health is one of the biggest crimes committed when you are getting all festive ready. Make amends and get your skin geared up to shine and glow on the D day with these easy tips and some extra care from your side.

How to get your skin happy?

Happy skin is not a day’s work. It requires effort. It is a holistic process and your approach towards it defines the final result. A glowing skin requires a disciplined lifestyle, healthy habits and a skincare regime which is not about expensive products but simple things that nourish your skin and offer it the much needed glow and respite from the dirt and impurities that it is subjected to everyday.

5 tips for glowing skin in Bangalore - Dr. Divya Sharma

Why is moisturizing cream essential for skin?

5 habits you can incorporate for a glowing skin

  1. Cleansing and nourishing your skin may seem like a daily chore but it is the most vital part in a skincare routine. Cleansing your skin twice daily with a mild cleanser ensures oil and impurities at bay. This keeps a check on acne, blackheads and other skin problems at bay. Moisturizing the skin post cleansing is a must to provide the much required hydration and nourishment for the skin. Investing in a good moisturizer is a key for soft and supple skin.

  1. Stress free life does not sound plausible but it could be worked upon to ensure your body and mind gets the required time to heal. How about starting your day early and sleeping for a minimum of eight hours to allow your skin to rejuvenate and heal properly? Research says that one of the benefits of quality sleep is younger looking skin. Well, you could save a lot of money that you would spend on treatments by simply getting the much needed good night’s sleep.

Is exercise good for your skin?

  1. Exercising and eating healthy seems like too much of a toll on the routine but the lack of it takes a toll on your skin. Proper nutrition in terms of green leafy vegetables and fruits which are rich in antioxidants help the body as well as the skin. Exercising is just as important and let’s do away the misconception that it is all about losing weight. Burning calories or working out produces endorphins which are creators of happy feelings and positivity in the body and that positivity will surely be reflected  on your skin.

How much water should I drink in a day?

  1. Hydration! Yes, it is that simple. Drinking 7 -8 glasses of water daily benefits your skin by giving it the much needed glow. Water helps in flushing out the toxins and keeping your skin happy.

  1. Pampering and enjoying a retreat in a spa should not be a guilty pleasure. It is a much needed sojourn for your skin. So, take a break from the hectic preparations and indulge yourself with a facial to give your skin a break from the tiring heat and pollution.

Skincare isn’t complicated so get in action. However, before making a drastic change in your skincare routine as well as your lifestyle, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist near you for advice. 


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