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Common skin rashes in babies

Common skin rashes in babies
Posted date on Feb 01, 2018

Common skin rashes in babies
Appearance of strange rashes on your baby’s rosy supple skin can be alarming. Most of you may get distressed at the mere sight of these skin issues. The rashes on baby skin can develop due to infections (viral, bacterial or fungal) or allergies (food or medication). If the baby shows severe symptoms or displays other symptoms like fever, itching, etc. it is advised to consult a good dermatologist. It takes a few months until newborn babies are accustomed to the outside environment. Hence good hygiene should be maintained to prevent the development of infections and other allergies in infants.

Diaper rash
The use of diapers for long hours may cause rashes in the private area and buttocks of babies. Bacterial/fungal infections cause these rashes. If the symptoms are worse, the physician will prescribe a topical ointment.

Miliaria/ Heat rash
Heat rash/Prickly heat/Miliaria is commonly seen in infants due to sweating and lack of air circulation through the clothes. It is characterized by tiny red itchy bumps causing prickling sensation on various parts of the body. If symptoms are severe, keep the baby’s body relaxed, dress up baby in loose, airy clothes or use a pediatric grade prickly heat powder.

Erythema ToxicumNeonatorum (ETN)
This is a common skin condition in neonates displaying red blotchy patches and in rare case pustules on the skin. It mostly appears within one week of birth. The exact cause of ETN is unknown. The symptoms will usually clear up in a few weeks without any treatment.

It is a fungal infection that displays ring-shaped rashes on the body. It is usually developed on the scalp, feet and genital parts. Ringworm is contagious and can spread through humans, animals, and public spaces.

Eczema is a chronic skin condition characterizing red rashes/patches on baby skin which are itchy. Skin folds like knees/elbows are more likely to develop eczema.

This is an allergic rash condition developed in babies who are allergic to specific food such as milk, egg, etc. The red rashes are developed due to histamines released in the body in response to the allergic substance.

Hand, foot and mouth rash
This is a viral infection which causes the development of blisters/bumps on the palms, feet, and mouth of babies. Sometimes the symptoms may worsen to form painful ulcers that need treatment medications.

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