
Dear Patron

In view of the COVID lockdown we are offering Tele and Video consultation in line with the karnataka government issued circular HFW54 CGM 2020 dated 26/03/2020.
To book an appointment slot kindly call us at 9620638388 Or drop an email info@drdivyasharma.com
Let us all stay home and keep our loved ones and our country safe.

Stay indoors, stay safe


Anti-hair fall treatments in Bangalore

Excessive fall has been a perennial problem for adult men and women. While both male and female pattern baldness can be caused due to hereditary, certain medications or conditions like PCOS and menopause for women, it is a known fact that drastic change in our lifestyle is also highly responsible for hair loss. Treatments like hair straightening and keratin procedures when done without consulting a trichologist can also really harm the hair and lead to hair fall.

Best treatments of pigmentation

Each one of us has a unique skin color due to melanin synthesized by the cells of the skin; this is responsible for all the pigmentation. When the melanin is synthesized in large amounts, it leads to hyperpigmentation.

sunscreen when at home

Amid the current pandemic situation, we have been spending the majority of our days working or simply lazing about the house. Because of this, most people tend to slack off on their daily skincare routine, especially the application of sunscreens.

Work from home skin and hair

Having spent a majority of the last 2 years in lockdown, inside our homes, it’s no surprise that our daily routines have changed drastically. And the added stress due to the uncertainty caused by the Coronavirus has definitely taken a hit on our skin.

Skin Gut Axis

Wondering what is the relation between gut axis and skin health? Read Dr. Divya Sharma's conversation with Ujjwala Baxi on how your food and diet affect your skin and hair health.

Let's Initiate A Partnership For Your Health.