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What is the best treatment for fungal infection

best treatment for fungal infection
Posted date on Jan 01, 1970

 What is the best treatment for fungal infection?

What is a fungal infection?

Skin diseases caused by fungus are called mycoses or fungal infections. There are millions of species of fungi and they are present everywhere around us including in the air we breathe and the water we consume. They are also present on our skin. Not all fungi are harmful. However, if our body or skin comes in contact with harmful fungi it causes fungal infection.

Some of the common symptoms of fungal infection are skin irritation, itching, swelling of infected areas, blisters, and scaly skin.

Types of Fungal Infections

Once in contact with harmful fungi, the fungal infection can happen anywhere on the body. Here are some of the most common fungal infections.


Ringworms are highly contagious and one of the most common fungal infections. The fungi causing ringworm can spread through skin-to-skin contact or touching infected objects. These fungi live on skin surfaces and on other household objects such as bedding, towels, and clothing items.


As the name suggests the rashes appear in a circular shape. Ringworm can happen anywhere on the body hence the treatment is subjected to the location and the intensity of the infection. It can be treated with over-the-counter medication however if your infection worsens or persists for a prolonged period it is advisable to visit your doctor.

Jock Itch

Jock itch is very common in athletes or people who sweat a lot. The fungal infection caused an itchy red rash in warm and moist areas of the body. This infection commonly affects the groin area, inner thighs, and buttocks. People who wear tight clothes that trap sweat and moisture often observe jock's itch.

The treatment consists of maintaining personal hygiene and applying topical antifungal medication.

Jock Itch

Yeast Infection

Yeast infection is a common fungal infection of the genitals caused by the fungus candida. It causes inflammation of the vagina and tissues at the opening of the vagina leading to vaginal discharge, itching, and irritation.

Yeast Infection

Treatment includes short-course medications which are available over the counter. However, it is advised to avoid self-medication. A proper medical diagnosis is recommended as symptoms of yeast infections are similar to other fungal infections.

Athlete’s foot

A common sign of an athlete’s foot is scaly or cracked skin between the toes. You might experience intense itchiness, especially right after taking off your footwear. This infection is very common during monsoon as without proper footwear your feet tend to stay damp and moist for a prolonged period leading to fungal infection.

Athlete’s foot

This infection is very common among those who have sweaty feet and palms, or often wear tight footwear and have poor hygiene standards. Treatment involves topical antifungal medication. Keeping your feet dry at all times is recommended.

Best practices to avoid fungal infections

Fungal skin infections often develop in sweaty or damp areas of the body since fungi thrive in warm, moist environments. Some people may have recurring infections as they could be more prone to infections due to genetics. However, here are some simple practices that can help you avoid developing fungal infections. 

  • Wear clean dry clothes every day, particularly undergarments and socks. Avoid sharing clothing, towels, or other personal items.

  • Choose clothes made of natural fibers. Cotton clothing breathes well compared to synthetic.

  • Make sure to dry off properly after bathing. Especially the gaps between your toes and fingers, behind the ears, or any other skin folds.

  • In the monsoon, dry your feet after getting wet in the rain. Change your clothing entirely if required. Wear proper footwear. Avoid using socks as wet socks tend to keep your feet moist and can lead to infections.

  • Wipe down shared surfaces, such as door knobs, gym equipment, or mats.

  • Avoid touching pets or other animals that have signs of a fungal infection. Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly if you do come in contact with them.

best treatment for fungal infection

Fungal infections are prevalent and there are many OTC medications available. However, antifungal medication prescribed by your dermatologist for the designated period is recommended even if the infection is not visible. If you don’t see any improvements or the infection worsens, visit a skin specialist near you.


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